Recording Remote Interviews For Podcasts

If you’re looking to take your podcast to the next level by including remote interviews, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll discuss the essentials you’ll need to ensure high-quality recordings from the comfort of your own home. From recommended brands for podcast equipment, such as microphones, headphones, and audio interfaces, to accessories like pop filters and boom arms, we’ve got you covered. We’ll also explore different options for recording software and portable recorders. Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster or just starting out, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to make your remote interviews sound professional and engaging.


Choosing the Right Equipment

When it comes to recording a remote interview for your podcast, it’s crucial to have the right equipment. Here are some of the essential items you should consider:

Recording Remote Interviews For Podcasts


High-quality microphones are essential for capturing clear and professional-sounding audio. Some recommended brands include Shure, Rode, and Audio-Technica. These brands offer a range of options to fit different budgets and recording environments.


Investing in good headphones is crucial for monitoring audio while conducting remote interviews. Sennheiser, Sony, and Beyerdynamic are some trusted brands known for their excellent sound quality and comfort.

Audio Interfaces

An audio interface is necessary for connecting your microphone to your computer or recording device. Focusrite, Behringer, and PreSonus are reliable brands that offer a variety of interfaces suitable for podcasting.

Pop Filters

Pop filters effectively reduce plosive sounds when speaking into a microphone. Brands such as Stedman, Nady, and Aokeo offer durable and affordable options to minimize unwanted noise during your interviews.

Boom Arms/Stands

A boom arm or stand is used to securely position your microphone at the desired height and angle. Heil Sound, Rode, and Gator Frameworks are reputable brands that provide sturdy and adjustable options for optimal microphone placement.

Shock Mounts

Shock mounts are crucial for isolating your microphone from vibrations and handling noise. Rycote, K&M, and On-Stage are known for their reliable shock mounts that help in achieving professional-grade audio recordings.

Acoustic Treatment

To improve the sound quality in your recording space, consider acoustic treatment options. Brands such as Auralex, Primacoustic, and ATS Acoustics offer products like sound panels and bass traps to minimize echo and unwanted reflections.

Recording Software

Choose a recording software that suits your needs and budget. Adobe Audition, Audacity, and Pro Tools are popular choices and offer a range of features for editing and enhancing your podcast audio.

Portable Recorders

If you plan to conduct interviews on the go, a portable recorder is a great investment. Zoom, Tascam, and Sony are trusted brands known for their reliable and high-quality recorder options.

Cables and Accessories

Ensure you have the necessary cables and accessories to connect your equipment. Brands like Mogami, Hosa, and Monster Cable offer reliable and durable options for all your connectivity needs.

Setting Up the Equipment

Once you have gathered all the necessary equipment, it’s time to set up your podcasting space. Proper setup ensures optimal audio quality and helps create a professional environment for your interviews.

Microphone Placement

Position your microphone at a suitable distance from your mouth to capture clear audio without any distortion or popping sounds. Experiment with different distances and angles to find the best placement for your specific microphone.

Headphone Setup

Connect your headphones to your audio interface and adjust the volume to a comfortable level. Ensure that you can clearly hear both your own voice and any audio from your remote interviewee.

Audio Interface Connection

Connect your microphone to the audio interface using the appropriate cables. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific setup of your chosen audio interface. Make sure all connections are secure and properly plugged in.

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Pop Filter Positioning

Attach the pop filter to a stand or boom arm and position it between you and the microphone. This helps to eliminate plosive sounds caused by breath hitting the microphone directly. Adjust the pop filter to a distance that effectively reduces unwanted plosives.

Boom Arm/Stand Installation

Install your boom arm or stand securely and adjust it to the desired height and angle. Ensure that it remains stable throughout your interview. If using a stand, make sure it is positioned away from any potential sources of noise or vibrations.

Shock Mount Attachment

Attach your microphone to the shock mount, following the manufacturer’s instructions. The shock mount helps to isolate the microphone from any handling noise or vibrations. Ensure that the microphone is securely installed and properly seated in the shock mount.

Acoustic Treatment Placement

If you have acoustic treatment panels or bass traps, position them strategically in your recording space to minimize echo and reflections. Experiment with different placements to find the most effective setup for your room.

Recording Software Configuration

Configure your recording software to match the input and output settings of your audio interface. Ensure that the software is set to record from the correct microphone and that the levels are properly adjusted. Test the software to ensure it is picking up audio from your microphone.

Portable Recorder Setup

If using a portable recorder, ensure that it is fully charged and that you have sufficient storage space. Familiarize yourself with the recording settings and adjust them according to your preferences. Test the recorder to make sure it is capturing clear audio and functioning properly.

Cable and Accessory Management

Organize your cables and accessories to avoid any unnecessary clutter and potential distractions during your remote interview. Use cable clips or ties to keep cables neat and prevent them from getting tangled or accidentally pulled during recording.

Testing and Adjusting Audio

Before starting your remote interview, it’s essential to test and adjust your audio settings to ensure the best possible sound quality. Here are some steps to follow:

Microphone Sound Check

Test your microphone by speaking into it at a normal speaking volume. Listen back to the recording to ensure that the audio is clear and free of any unwanted noise or distortion. Adjust the microphone placement if necessary.

Headphone Sound Test

Put on your headphones and play back the microphone sound check recording. Make sure you can clearly hear your voice without any distortion or audio artifacts. Adjust the volume and playback settings if needed.

Audio Interface Settings

Check the settings on your audio interface and make any necessary adjustments. Ensure that the input gain is set correctly to capture an optimal signal from your microphone. Adjust other settings such as sample rate and buffer size as recommended by the manufacturer.

Pop Filter Effectiveness

During the microphone sound check, pay attention to the effectiveness of the pop filter in reducing plosive sounds. If you notice any plosives occurring, adjust the distance between your mouth and the pop filter.

Recording Remote Interviews For Podcasts

Boom Arm/Stand Stability

Test the stability of your boom arm or stand by lightly tapping or moving it. If there is excessive movement or instability, make adjustments to ensure a secure setup. This will help prevent any unwanted noise caused by vibrations or accidental bumps during the interview.

Shock Mount Performance

While speaking into the microphone, test the shock mount’s ability to isolate the microphone from handling noise or vibrations. Tap the boom arm or stand lightly to simulate potential sources of vibrations. Ensure that the shock mount effectively minimizes these noises.

Acoustic Treatment Evaluation

Evaluate the effectiveness of your acoustic treatment by listening for any echo or unwanted reflections in your audio recordings. Make adjustments to the placement of the treatment panels or bass traps if needed to achieve a cleaner and more professional sound.

Recording Software Levels

Check the recording levels on your software to ensure that the input signal from the microphone is not clipping or distorting. Adjust the input gain if necessary to achieve a good balance between clear audio and avoiding clipping.

Portable Recorder Functionality

If using a portable recorder, test its functionality by recording a short audio clip and listening back to it. Make sure the audio is clear and free from any unwanted noise or artifacts. Check the battery life to ensure it will last for the duration of your remote interview.

Cable and Accessory Reliability

Throughout the testing process, check the reliability of your cables and accessories. Ensure that all cables are securely connected and that there are no intermittent connections or audio dropouts. Replace any faulty cables or accessories to avoid any unexpected issues during the remote interview.

Preparing for the Remote Interview

A successful remote interview requires thorough preparation and organization. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth and engaging interview:

Selecting a Suitable Location

Choose a quiet and distraction-free location for conducting your remote interview. Ensure that the room is well-lit and visually appealing if you plan to record video as well. Minimize any potential background noise to maintain professional audio quality.

Checking Internet Connection

Test your internet connection to ensure a stable and reliable connection throughout the interview. Use a wired connection if possible, as it generally provides a more consistent signal compared to a Wi-Fi connection. Consider having a backup plan in case of internet outages.

Choosing a Communication Platform

Select a communication platform that suits your needs and provides good audio and video quality for the interview. Popular options include Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet. Familiarize yourself with the platform and its features before the interview.

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Testing Audio and Video Quality

Prior to the interview, test the audio and video quality on the chosen communication platform. Check the connection, microphone, and camera settings to ensure optimal sound and picture quality. Make any necessary adjustments to achieve the best possible audio and video.

Preparing Interview Questions

Create a list of well-thought-out interview questions that will guide the conversation and cover the desired topics. Tailor the questions specifically to your interviewee and their expertise. Prepare follow-up questions to keep the conversation flowing smoothly.

Coordinating Schedule with Interviewee

Coordinate the interview schedule with your interviewee to ensure a mutually convenient time. Provide clear instructions on the platform to be used, any technical requirements, and the expected duration of the interview. Confirm all details in advance to avoid any scheduling conflicts.

Recording Remote Interviews For Podcasts

Setting Up Backup Systems

Prepare backup systems, such as recording on a separate device or using a backup internet connection, in case of technical issues. Having these backup options in place will help you salvage the interview if any unexpected problems arise.

Organizing Background Materials

Gather and organize any background materials related to the interviewee’s work. This includes their bio, relevant articles or books they have written, and any other information that will help you ask informed and engaging questions.

Creating an Interview Outline

Create an outline or structure for the interview to ensure a smooth and coherent flow. Consider the main topics you want to cover and the order in which you will discuss them. This will help you stay focused and organized during the interview.

Familiarizing with Interviewee’s Work

Take the time to familiarize yourself with the interviewee’s work, such as their latest projects, articles, or books. This will enable you to ask insightful questions and show your interviewee that you have done your research. It also helps in making the interview more engaging and relevant.

Conducting the Remote Interview

Now that you have thoroughly prepared for the interview, it’s time to conduct the interview itself. Follow these steps to ensure a successful and engaging conversation:

Introducing the Interviewee

Start the interview by introducing the interviewee and providing a brief background of their expertise. This helps set the stage for the conversation and gives listeners context about the interviewee’s qualifications.

Establishing Communication

Establish clear and effective communication with the interviewee by briefly explaining the interview format, any time constraints, and how you will proceed with the conversation. Ensure that both parties can hear and understand each other clearly.

Addressing Technical Issues

If any technical issues arise during the interview, address them promptly and professionally. Stay calm and guide the interviewee through any necessary troubleshooting steps. Having backup systems in place will provide reassurance during such situations.

Following the Interview Outline

Use the interview outline you prepared as a guide to navigate through the conversation. Ask questions based on the outline, and allow for natural and engaging discussions. Be flexible and open to unexpected insights or topics that may arise.

Active Listening and Engaging

Listen actively to the interviewee’s responses and show genuine interest in their perspective. Engage in the conversation by asking follow-up questions and seeking clarification when needed. This demonstrates your attentiveness and helps create a dynamic and engaging interview.

Asking Relevant Follow-up Questions

Ask relevant follow-up questions that delve deeper into specific topics or expand on the interviewee’s responses. These questions can help uncover additional insights and provide a more comprehensive understanding of their work or expertise.

Managing Interview Time

Manage the interview time effectively to ensure that you cover all the desired topics within the allocated time frame. Be mindful of the interviewee’s time and guide the conversation accordingly. Avoid rushing or dragging the interview for a smooth and engaging experience.

Encouraging Interviewee Participation

Encourage active participation from the interviewee by creating a supportive and inclusive environment. Ask for their thoughts or opinions on relevant topics and give them space to share their expertise. This helps create a collaborative and dynamic conversation.

Recording Remote Interviews For Podcasts

Respecting Interviewee’s Perspective

Respect the interviewee’s perspective and avoid interrupting or imposing your own opinions. Allow them to express their thoughts fully before responding. This demonstrates professionalism and fosters a respectful and comfortable environment.

Wrapping Up the Interview

Wrap up the interview by summarizing the key points discussed and thanking the interviewee for their time and insights. Provide an opportunity for them to share any final thoughts or promote their work or projects. End the interview on a positive note and express gratitude for their participation.

Reviewing and Editing the Recording

After the interview, it’s time to review and edit the recording to ensure a polished and high-quality podcast episode. Follow these steps to enhance the overall audio experience:

Listening to the Full Recording

Listen to the entire recording from start to finish, taking notes on any areas that could be improved or require editing. Pay attention to audio quality, background noise, and any unwanted interruptions or distractions.

Removing Background Noise

Use audio editing software to remove any background noise or unwanted artifacts from the recording. Apply noise reduction techniques to improve the overall clarity and quality of the audio. Be careful not to overdo the noise reduction, as it could affect the natural sound of the interview.

Adjusting Volume Levels

Ensure that the volume levels are consistent throughout the interview. Adjust the levels manually to balance the audio and prevent any parts from being too loud or too soft. This helps create a pleasant and easy listening experience for your audience.

Editing Out Unwanted Content

Trim any parts of the recording that may not be relevant or add value to the overall interview. Remove any technical glitches, interruptions, or mistakes that occurred during the interview. Be mindful of maintaining the flow and coherence of the conversation.

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Arranging the Interview Flow

Rearrange the order of the interview segments, if needed, to create a more logical and engaging flow. Consider moving more impactful or compelling parts of the interview to the beginning or end to captivate the audience’s attention.

Adding Intro and Outro Music

Incorporate suitable intro and outro music to enhance the overall podcast experience. Choose music that aligns with the theme and tone of your podcast. Ensure that the music does not overpower the spoken content and that it transitions smoothly.

Incorporating Jingles or Sound Effects

Consider adding jingles or sound effects, where appropriate, to add personality and branding to your podcast. Use them sparingly and make sure they complement the content and enhance the listener’s experience.

Ensuring Smooth Transitions

Ensure that transitions between different parts of the interview are smooth and seamless. Use fades or crossfades to avoid abrupt changes in audio. Smooth transitions create a more polished and professional vibe for your podcast.

Checking for Audio Gaps or Glitches

Listen for any audio gaps or glitches that may have occurred during the interview or editing process. Smooth out any transitions that may have resulted in a noticeable audio gap. Address any audio glitches to maintain a high-quality listening experience.

Cleaning Up Any Audio Artifacts

Scan the recording for any audio artifacts, such as clicks, pops, or background hum. Use audio editing software to clean up these artifacts and enhance the overall audio quality. Pay attention to detail to ensure a seamless and professional final product.

Exporting and Distributing the Podcast

The final step in the podcast production process is exporting and distributing the episode to your audience. Follow these steps to ensure a successful podcast release:

Recording Remote Interviews For Podcasts

Choosing an Export Format

Choose an export format for your podcast episode that is widely compatible with different platforms and devices. Popular formats include MP3 and WAV. Consider the file size and compatibility with your chosen podcast hosting platform.

Setting Export Parameters

Set the export parameters in your audio editing software to ensure optimal audio quality and file size. Adjust the bitrate and sample rate to strike a balance between audio fidelity and manageable file sizes.

Saving the Final Mixdown

Save the final mixdown of your podcast episode in a dedicated location on your computer. Use a clear and intuitive file naming convention to easily identify and organize your episodes. Create a separate folder for storing your podcast files.

Naming and Tagging the Episode

Give your podcast episode a descriptive and engaging title that accurately reflects the content. Add relevant tags or keywords that will help with search engine optimization and categorization on podcast directories.

Creating an Episode Thumbnail

Design an eye-catching episode thumbnail that represents the content and branding of your podcast. Use relevant visuals and clear text to attract potential listeners and make your episode stand out on podcast platforms.

Writing Show Notes and Descriptions

Write informative and engaging show notes and descriptions for your podcast episode. Include a brief summary and key takeaways from the interview. Incorporate relevant links or resources mentioned in the episode. Show notes provide additional context and help potential listeners decide if the episode is of interest to them.

Uploading the Podcast to a Hosting Platform

Choose a reliable podcast hosting platform to upload and store your podcast episodes. Platforms such as Libsyn, Podbean, or Buzzsprout offer various features for hosting, distributing, and analyzing your podcast. Follow the platform’s instructions for uploading your saved podcast episode.

Distributing the Episode on Podcast Directories

Submit your podcast episode to popular podcast directories such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Follow the submission guidelines of each directory and optimize the episode’s metadata for discoverability. This helps increase your podcast’s visibility and reach a wider audience.

Promoting the Episode on Social Media

Utilize your social media platforms to promote and share the new episode. Create engaging posts with attractive visuals and enticing captions to generate interest and drive traffic to your podcast. Encourage your audience to listen, share, and provide feedback on the episode.

Engaging with Listeners and Collecting Feedback

Encourage your listeners to provide feedback and engage with your podcast. Respond to comments and messages promptly to foster a sense of community and connection. Take listener feedback into account for future episodes and continuously improve your podcast.

Troubleshooting and Best Practices

While recording remote interviews for your podcast, you may encounter various technical issues or challenges. Here are some troubleshooting tips and best practices to ensure a smooth recording process:

Common Technical Issues

Be prepared to troubleshoot common technical issues such as audio dropouts, internet connectivity problems, or software glitches. Familiarize yourself with troubleshooting methods for your equipment and software. Have backup systems and alternative methods ready to overcome any unexpected issues.

Improving Audio Quality

Invest in high-quality microphones, headphones, and audio interfaces to improve the overall audio quality of your podcast. Experiment with different microphone placements and settings to find the best configuration for your voice and recording environment. Utilize audio editing software to enhance the clarity and fidelity of your recordings.

Troubleshooting Internet Problems

If you experience internet connectivity issues during a remote interview, try troubleshooting the problem by restarting your router, switching to a wired connection, or utilizing a backup internet connection. Communicate with your interviewee about the technical difficulties and make necessary adjustments to ensure a smooth interview.

Managing Background Noise

Minimize background noise as much as possible to maintain professional audio quality. Utilize the appropriate equipment such as pop filters, shock mounts, and acoustic treatment to reduce unwanted noise. Choose a quiet location for recording, away from sources of potential distractions or external noise.

Effective Remote Interview Techniques

Develop effective interview techniques for conducting remote interviews. Practice active listening, maintain engagement, and ask relevant and thought-provoking questions. Adjust your tone and pace to match the interviewee’s energy and style. Adapt to virtual communication to ensure clear and effective dialogue.

Ensuring Adequate Preparation

Thoroughly prepare for each remote interview by researching the interviewee’s work, creating an interview outline, and testing your equipment and software in advance. Establish clear communication with the interviewee to outline expectations and coordinate logistics. Adequate preparation sets the foundation for a successful interview.

Maintaining Professionalism

Maintain a professional demeanor throughout the remote interview process. Treat your interviewee with respect and make them feel comfortable and valued. Be punctual, follow through with commitments, and communicate clearly. Show appreciation for the interviewee’s time and expertise.

Backup and Redundancy Strategies

Always have backup systems in place to anticipate and manage any potential technical issues. Use redundant recording methods, such as recording on multiple devices simultaneously, to avoid losing valuable content. Backup your episode files and keep copies of important files in different locations to prevent data loss.

Utilizing Post-production Techniques

Utilize post-production techniques such as editing, noise reduction, and audio enhancement to polish your podcast episode. Learn and experiment with different editing techniques to create a professional and engaging episode. Continuously improve your post-production skills to enhance the overall quality of your podcast.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

Strive to continuously learn and improve your podcasting skills. Stay updated with the latest industry trends, techniques, and equipment. Seek feedback from listeners and experts, and implement suggestions for growth. Embrace a growth mindset and be open to new ideas and approaches to enhance your podcasting journey.