How to measure Loyalty?

  • Net Promotor Score (NPS). How to recognize Promoters, Passives and Detractors
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). How much money do you make, on average, on an individual customer.
  • Churn Rate. E.g. churnrate for newsletter subscriptions. Or montly recurring business in customer segments.
  • Google Analytics and online CRM tools
  • Marketing automation (and sales automation) tools

The Blue-dot Generation

The Blue-dot is a visualization of myself as a person. And more specific – me, exactly and specific. A simple click on your mobile and the blue dot (on Google Maps) tells you where you are, what you’re doing and helps you get where you’re going. Blue Dot Generation


Tools to build your brand

Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle ‘People don’t buy what you make, but people buy why you make it’.

  • Airbnb. It’s mission is not to rent (or let) as much real estate (or property) as possible. Their mission is ’to connect millions of people in real life (…) so that you can belong anywhere’.
  • ‘Chocolonely’, not just a chocolat bar:
  • Starbucks, not just for coffee
  • Apple computers

Unilever’s Brand Key Model

Unilever’s Brand Key Model consists of the following elements:

  1. competition
  2. Target group
  3. Customer Insight
  4. Benefits
  5. Values and Personalities
  6. Reasons to Believe
  7. Discriminator
  8. Essence

These elements can help marketeers to create messages that are consistent to their target audience and to influence the customers perception of a brand.

Loyalty Buying Journey

The Loyalty Buying Journey according to McKinsey.